7 Dots Studio Magic School 3 - I am the finalist!

Hello dear friends!
 I am here oday to share with you something that I AM SO-SO HAPPY ABOUT - I have become one of the three finalists of Magic School 3 project? which was held by 7 Dots Studio and mixed-media expert Juliya Tirskaya!! 
I am thankful to all the organisators for this opportunity, peopple who vote for me on the stages, the jury for inspiration and motivation and Tusia Lech - for your appreciation and encouragement!! It was a great way and I am happy to be among the finalists. There are so many talanted ladies and I am happy to meet so many great people as well! Thank you all!

To be honest, this is my first participation in a project of that scale and ever first participation in a joint venture projects. Thank you Julia one more time for the School!

I congratulate Julia Pospelova and Daria on being finalists, it is a great honour and you did an amazing work! Congratulations!



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